When OT stories meet modern times

This weekend we had the most amazing teaching!  It was Mondo, our annual middle school fall retreat and the speaker really nailed the subject.  We wanted teens to gain a better understanding of what is going on in the world regarding the persecution of Christians and to see that God is sovereign and looks after his people. On Friday, night the speaker connected the dots between Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego and the situation in North Korea where people are expected to bow to the ruler and where being a Christian is likely to get one imprisoned. He also connected the dots between Jonah and ISIS (or ISIL). Ninevah, in Iraq, is across a river from Mosul where Christians have been forced to flee or be killed by ISIS. He then turned our attention to Philippians to see how we can have joy in the midst of suffering because the gospel is such good news.

It was the 14th “Mondo” that I have been part of and by far the best messages we have had in all those years! The gospel was made clear, the realities of the world we live in were illuminated, and the encouragement of God’s truth was evident.  I only wish that it was the largest attendance so that more students could have heard the best speaker we have had!
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