Thoughts on evangelism…

Another one from up north… the heart of which says:

Well, imagine that the Great One (that’s Wayne Gretzky to you non-hockey-ites) were to ask those involved in youth ministry that question – “how should I attract newcomers to hockey?” What answer would he receive? He might be told, by some, “Think about trying to attract them with something other than hockey. Maybe you could have some ‘entry level’ activity that will attract the youth and you can then tell them about hockey at the end of the night.”

Now just try and think about what Gretzky would do with that answer. (“To attract youth to the hockey club, do something other than hockey.”) I really can’t imagine him saying:

“I guess I understand the logic, sort of… I mean, there are different types of youth, not all of them are sporty or into slamming into each other at full speed on blades of steel. To attract those who are not into hockey… maybe I should find out what interests them, run that activity and then slowly introduce them to what it means to play hockey – in other words, I’ll attract kids to hockey with something other than hockey!”

I’m not sure that type of logic would fly err, skate, with the Great One.

The whole post is HERE

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