TGC, Rooted, & My Friend Cameron

Since The Gospel Coalition National Conference is this week (and I am sad not to be there) and since Rooted has a booth in the exhibit hall and hosting a coffee Tuesday night for Youth Ministry Folks, and since Rooted’s founder Cameron Cole is presenting a workshop this year at TGC…  I thought it appropriate to draw attention to Cameron’s latest blog post at Rooted.  It’s really good.

Three Students I’m Always Speaking To

I’ve found in my time in youth ministry that a youth worker must have a clear picture of his or her audience when giving a talk or teaching a Bible study. It’s of great benefit to personalize and individualize your audience as much as possible. I am never simply speaking to a generic group of teenagers. When I prepare for a talk, I have three types of individuals in mind, but those individuals have a name. I remember their story and think about their day-to-day life. While it’s challenging to speak to a cross-section of people, I always try to address and engage these three teenagers in the crowd:

1) Belle (the Seeker)

2) Betty (the Sufferer)

3) Bobby (The Saint)

I’ll let you go explore what each of these represent. It’s worth the read!

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