
A comment by a friend recently got me thinking about an attitude that I held for a great many years.  The comment reflected a dislike for the word ‘religion’.  When I heard that, I had a mixed reaction.  I can relate to the dislike for a word that in a sense does not convey the Christian faith and has possibly confused far too many.  By that I mean that some of us have been emphasizing relationship over religion for years (some of us for decades).  I know I have communicated to a lot of teenagers (and many adults) over the years that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship.  But does this create a false dichotomy?  In other words, does this put religion in opposition to relationship when they don’t have to be?  Could I not have simply emphasized that religions are systems of belief and Christianity is based not on rules but on relationship?  Then again that would not be entirely true because the gospel recognizes that the law is essential to enable us to see our need for a savior.  We would still be trying to impress God if it were not for a set of rules that are so strong that we cannot live up to them and must cry out to the living God for our souls.  But I have wandered off the point here.  I’m beginning to realize that the word religion is not a bad word and it is not a word that I should dislike or disassociate Christianity with or from.  We don’t have a relationship that is apart from a system of beliefs.  So ultimately I’ve changed my mind about religion over the years.  It is not a bad word, nor should shy away from it, nor place it in opposition to relationship.  I think I am over my negative attitude toward religion as a word.

Why is this important?  It is actually important?  I think it really is.  If we have communicated to students that religion is empty or dead or some man made system, then what happens when they read a classic like “Pilgrim’s Progress”?  (which we should encourage them to do)  The Christian faith within that story is constantly referred to as religion.  What do they do when they find positive references in the Bible to religion?  It would make little sense to them.  Rather than making religion a bad word, the need is for us to define it and use it as a starting point for the uniqueness of the Christian faith.  My religion is based on a relationship.  It’s not about me keeping a set of rules or rituals but about relating to the creator of the universe.  How awesome is that!?!?!?!

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