Ministry in a Racially Charged World

I was tempted to title this post “We Are All Racist Now” because there has been a redefinition of racism to the extent that Oprah even called on all white people to admit their racism. My understanding of racism growing up was along the lines of discriminating against or treating differently people of other skin colors. Today the definition broadens to include complacency about institutional racism that many of us are really not aware of.

Watching America tear itself apart is not easy to do when you have been a citizen for more than half a century. So I have spent a lot of time reading and seeking to understand what the heck is going on. I already shared with you a few resources that I think are essential for thinking Biblically about these matters. Since then I have found different perspectives that I also think are essential to the conversation. I will link them below.

I am utterly convinced that we need to be very intentional about instilling a Biblical worldview in the minds and hearts of students today. Let’s expand that definition of student to include under 12’s. George Barna is convinced by his research that most people’s worldview is mostly formed by age 12. After that he says most are seeking validation or confirmation of what they already believe.

So as those who minister to older children, teens, and college students we need to be on top of the new vocabulary. We need to weigh everything according to what scripture teaches. Then we must teach younger generations to think Biblically about racial matters.

Neil Shenvi, a brilliant (highly educated) apologist addresses the various aspects of critical theory here. I first encountered his work on The Gospel Coalition blog.

George Yancey, who currently teaches sociology at Baylor University has a great article on TGC as well. His article is a critique of the book “White Fragility” where he presents an alternative approach to racial reconciliation.

Another potential resource is the Center for Biblical Unity.

There is so much to read and reflect on but most importantly we need to keep the gospel front and center!

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