Experiencing Psalm 133

What a joy it is to work with people who share your core values and are humble! So often in creating youth retreats there are variables that can change the dynamics of the weekend. Will the speaker deliver the messages that were asked for? Will the musicians provide the most suitable song selection?  Will the team do their part to bring the vision for the weekend into reality? Last month our annual weekend that we call The Jesus Weekend went really well.  We had an extra large group which created new challenges. Yet the team rose to the task at hand and the weekend was a great success.  Several variables could have made the weekend less than ideal.  First of all the speaker.  He was given a set of messages that were designed to work with the small group Bible study materials.  If he were to deviate from the talks provided, the weekend no longer holds together.  Sadly, it’s challenging to find speakers who are willing to follow directions rather than seek to be creative on their own. This one (like ones in recent years) could not have done a better job. Secondly, the musicians. It is such a blessing to work with musicians who seek to serve the agenda of the retreat and not do their own thing.  So, when we asked for Jesus centered hymns and songs, we got exactly that.  We were specific enough to provide a list of suggested songs to use and when a musician responds positively to that, it is a great blessing. I think we all know musicians who prefer to lead the songs they are most excited about and that makes perfect sense.  However, when music leaders set those aside and seek to do what best serves the message of the weekend, it really enhances the ministry.  This was truly the case at The Jesus Weekend this year.

In a sense, what we experienced was the blessing described in Psalm 133. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity… for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, Life forevermore.” We worked with one purpose in mind, namely to life up the name of Jesus – to reveal through God’s word the identity, mission, and calling of our Lord and savior. The music, the messages, and the small group Bible studies all worked together to that aim and I believe that God blessed it!
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