Diocesan Youth Commission: An Adventure In Leadership!

Our Youth Commission is comprised of cheerful servants who demonstrate spiritual maturity and leadership gifts and desire to develop skills while serving our Lord. This leadership group serves on youth events as well as at Diocesan Convention each year. Their role in events includes leading small groups, sharing testimonies, leading activities, and providing behind the scenes support.  They are a vital part of our ministries! Serving on Youth Commission involves a commitment to several weekend events as well as two training days. Students are expected to serve in a leadership capacity in their church as well.

My experience on Youth Commission has been one of the most challenging, most rewarding, most incredible experiences ever!  ~Ann Claire G.

I believe we were called to serve as the fruit of our belief and with Youth Commission we are given a safe place to serve and grow together to help further the gospel. ~ Breezy R.

Without Youth Commission, I would not have had such an amazing high school experience! ~Jessie B.

Serving on Youth Commission has given me a chance to see the body of Christ in action as we worked together, laughed together, loved together, served together, and worshiped our Savior together. ~Madison B.

For me, one of the best parts of being on Youth Commission is getting to lead small groups at Jesus Weekend and Epic. I love seeing people learn new things and watching someone’s face light up as they start to understand how awesome God is. ~Chrissy H.

Our Youth Commission is selected through an application process that is open to sophomores to seniors.  We are seeking spiritual maturity, demonstrated leadership gifts, a servants heart, and willingness to fulfill all obligations for the year. Our desire is to have a wide variety of churches represented on the commission and we prefer juniors and seniors on the team.  Sophomores must be exceptionally mature to be accepted. We ask all churches to consider whether they have any students in their midst who fit the description and encourage them to apply. For more information or to download applications and reference forms go to http://www.scyouth.org/about-us/youth-commission.

“As a parent whose daughter has been involved for the last two years I urge parents, youth ministers, and clergy to consider supporting their youth in this calling.  Youth Commission has been a blessing to our daughter, our home, and our church. She has grown in her faith, developed friendships with like minded believers, and developed skills that enable her to share her love of Christ with others. Dave Wright and the other adult leaders on his team have poured truth into these future leaders’ lives. Through Youth Commission, Janey Capers has become more confident in sharing the Gospel, teaching in large and small settings, and leading small groups. Youth Commission takes our young people and prepares them to return to our churches to serve in a leadership capacity and more importantly, it strengthens their faith and understanding of the Gospel so they can stand firm as they enter a world which is in such desperate need of a Savior.”

~ Lisa N.

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