Cur Deus Homo

What I think has been the most controversial paper presented at this conference was titled “Cur Deus Homo: Is the incarnation a model for mission?” Graham Stanton from Sydney Australia presented a brilliant challenge to Andrew Root’s book “Revisiting Relational Youth Ministry”. It was interesting that Root and others quoted in the paper were in the room at the time and did not participate in the discussion that followed. If you have not read Root’s book, in it he basically challenges what has become known as relational or incarnational ministry . He suggests that many have misunderstood the significance of relational ministry and used relationships as a means to convert others to the faith. Root believes that rather than seeing relationships as a means to evangelism, we need to view them as bringing the incarnation of Christ to others by our presence in their lives. What Stanton challenged was the notion that we become Christ to others and in effect, then take the place of Christ for them. He suggests that Jesus did not specifically engage in relational or incarnational ministry as a model, nor did the apostles. Stanton agrees that relationships should not be the means for evangelism but that we must get down to the task we have been called to which is proclaiming the gospel. This takes place in relationships but is not entirely dependant on relationships. In other words, we don’t need to earn the right to be heard because we are Christ’s ambassadors bringing a message that is not ours but the good news Jesus proclaimed. While Stanton made a really clear case for this in scripture, it was obvious that many in the room found this concept difficult to swallow given the fact that the relational/incarnational model has been the norm for a long time. Clearly the incarnation was a work of God for the redemption of man. However, the model that we are called to follow is that of being ambassadors. This happens in loving relationships but is not restricted to that.

If you are curious to read the paper, I will email it to you.

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One response to “Cur Deus Homo”

  1. the holly Avatar

    hmmm…love to see.

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