Core Values for the vision

As we come together for Infusion, one of the topics for conversation will be values. Specifically, what values do we share as a group that can draw us together to be a blessing to one another? To get us thinking about that, I am simply sharing here what I believe are values that are important for our vision for youth ministry in this diocese. These are just my thoughts and are unrefined. Like the Credo posts, they are just out there to get us thinking and are not a mandate for how we think about or do ministry. Nor is it a complete list and I welcome thoughts on what is missing. I should also add that my listing these does not mean I am good at them. Actually a few of them are a real stretch for me, but I think they are important to grapple with as we move forward in working together, raising up a Biblically faithful generation that is leading the church and changing the world. I have organized these according to the four points of the vision.

1. In working together, the core values I see are:

Collaboration – that we can accomplish more and better ministry by leaning on each others gifts and contributing to each others work.
Synergy – that the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts. If 20 of us each put in 5%, that equals 100% but synergy suggests that the result is far more than 100%.

Teamwork – coaches like to say that team stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. I guess that is synergy really but the dynamics are relational and communal and an experience that is to be valued in itself.

Encouragement – We all need this on a regular basis. Some don’t get it in their churches but all should find it in Fusion.

Edification – that we can build one another up which comes out of sharpening, learning from each other, and pushing each other to grow.

Communication – through which we know each other’s ministries better and can support one another more fully

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