A Little Project that can help us all…

One of the many things on my mind of late regards our vision and how we get there. We have seen lots of progress… shifted the emphasis in our events to align to the vision, seen camp switch to a Bible centered approach (that is huge!) and know that many youth groups are having much more Bible centered, gospel driven meetings.

Using a seasonal metaphor, the question on my mind these days is how do we move the ball down the field? Meaning, how do we make progress on the vision? The question that leads to is… what does the end zone look like? In other words, how will things look when we get there?

The vision is… working together, raising up a biblically faithful generation that is leading the church and changing the world. I think of biblically faithful in terms of students (and leaders) being students of scripture who are living it out. In other words, the Bible is shaping decisions, actions, lifestyles, relationships, etc. I view the Bible as gospel centered. What the Old Testament points to, the gospels reveal, and the epistles explain. It’s all about Jesus! I mention that to be clear that my orientation is not about knowledge for the brain but about truth transforming lives.

So here are a few questions to think about and respond to that can help us all.

What does it look like to have a student or group of students who are biblically faithful?
What does it look like to have a leadership team that is biblically faithful?
What are measurable ways we could or should see students leading in the church?
What are ways that we could see students changing the world?

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